Monthly Archives: February 2024

Teen Drug Rehab: A Comprehensive Guide For Parents

Navigating Teen Drug Rehab - A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

Growing up is complex. In most cases, adolescents are curious, emotional, and stressed and seek different ways of killing boredom. Adolescents love to experiment with drugs as their brain develops, and there is always a drug that fits their bill. On the other hand, parents find it hard to cope with such challenges as they […]

30 Best Substance Abuse Group Activities

30 Best Substance Abuse Group Activities

Many people recovering from substance abuse disorder often feel lost, alone, and misunderstood. While individual therapy sessions with a substance abuse therapist can minimize these feelings, there’s another powerful intervention we use at our Hawaii Rehab Center that can significantly enhance the road to recovery: addiction group activities. Participating in group activities within a substance […]