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AA meetings hawaii

AA meetings Hawaii are among the most popular group therapy options at Honu House. AA meetings Kona are based on the 12-step program developed by Alcoholics Anonymous and are designed to help individuals struggling with addiction overcome their dependence on alcohol or drugs. Attending Hawaii AA meetings are a vital part of our addiction recovery plan. During these meetings, individuals can share stories, ask for help and support, and get advice from those who have had similar experiences. Hawaii AA meetings allow recovering individuals the opportunity to speak honestly about their struggles in an open and non-judgmental environment. Overall, regular attendance at Hawaii AA meetings give our clients the accountability, motivation, and community they need to stay strong and committed in their journey toward sobriety.

Group Therapy

What is an AA meeting?

AA meetings are gatherings of people who share a common goal of overcoming alcohol addiction. These meetings provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment for people to share their experiences and struggles with addiction, and to offer support to one another. 

Are there AA meetings IN HAWAII?

There is a very large and supportive alcoholics anonymous Hawaii meetings community, making it the perfect place to focus on your addiction recovery. West Hawaii Alcoholics Anonymous has put together a comprehensive list of West Hawaii AA meetings for anyone in need. Honu House staff and clients attend these Hawaii AA meetings daily.

Who can attend Hawaii AA meetings?

AA meetings in Hawaii are open to anyone who wants to stop drinking or is struggling with alcohol addiction. Whether you are an alcoholic or just someone looking for support in staying sober, you are welcome to attend Hawaii AA meetings. 

Group Therapy


Hawaii AA meetings typically involve group discussions about addiction and recovery, as well as sharing personal experiences related to alcohol addiction. Members may also read from AA literature and offer support and encouragement to one another.


You are not required to speak at an AA meeting if you don’t feel comfortable doing so. Many people attend AA meetings simply to listen and gain support from others who have experienced similar struggles.

Are AA meetings confidential?

Confidentiality is an essential principle of AA. Members are expected to maintain the anonymity of others, and what is shared in meetings is not to be discussed outside of them.

Are there different types of AA meetings?

There are various types of AA meetings, including open meetings for anyone to attend, closed meetings for members only, and speaker meetings where a member shares their story. Additionally, some meetings may focus on specific groups such as women, LGBTQ+ individuals, or beginners.

Group Therapy
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