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Extended Care

Our comprehensive care services go beyond the initial treatment phase. We provide comprehensive continuing care plans and personal care to support individuals transitioning back to everyday life. With a focus on long-term care, we offer ongoing support, relapse prevention strategies, and access to support groups to ensure sustained recovery.

Honu House Hawaii is committed to delivering high-quality addiction treatment programs and extended care services. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized care plans tailored to each individual’s unique needs. Take the first step towards a brighter future, and contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive addiction treatment and extended care programs.

Honu House Treatment Center
The 5 Stages of Mental Health Recovery on the Big Island

What is extended care?

Extended care refers to the continuation of comprehensive care and support for individuals in recovery from substance use disorders beyond the initial treatment phase. It provides an extended period of structured care to help individuals maintain sobriety, develop essential life skills, and prevent relapse.

How long does extended care typically last?

The duration of extended care can vary depending on the individual’s needs and progress in recovery. It can range from several months to a year or more. The length of extended care is determined through ongoing assessments and collaboration between the individual and their treatment team.

What services are provided during extended care?

Extended care services encompass a range of support and interventions. These may include ongoing therapy sessions, life skills training, relapse prevention strategies, access to support groups, vocational or educational support, and assistance with integrating back into the community. The goal is to provide continued guidance and resources to support long-term recovery.
Extended Care hawaii

Is extended care only for individuals with severe addiction issues?

Extended care can be beneficial for individuals with varying levels of addiction severity. It is not exclusively reserved for those with severe addiction issues but can be valuable for anyone seeking additional support and guidance in maintaining sobriety. Extended care programs are designed to address individual needs and provide tailored support.

How does extended care support long-term recovery?

Extended care offers ongoing support as individuals transition from a structured treatment environment to everyday life. It provides a continuum of care, ensuring individuals can access the resources and guidance they need to navigate challenges and maintain their recovery. By addressing the ongoing needs of individuals in early recovery, extended care increases the chances of long-term success and reduces the risk of relapse.
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