Things You Need To Know About Alcohol Recovery in Kailua-Kona

Things You Need To Know About Alcohol Recovery in Kailua-Kona

By attending any type of alcohol recovery in Kailua Kona you are attempting to properly prepare yourself for the journey of sobriety that awaits you. Hopefully, you are well-prepared.

Because there are some aspects of the journey that people are unaware of, we’ve created a list of things we thought you should know. Additionally, we’ve included information on where you can seek alcohol recovery in Kailua-Kona.

1. Addiction is a brain disease

A helpful reminder: addiction is a disease of the brain. Being addicted to alcohol does not make you a bad person. However, you should also realize that, like most diseases, you will need ongoing care to manage it. Being in alcohol recovery is a lifelong commitment.

2. Recovery is not a cure

There is no “cure” for addiction. When you get into an alcohol rehab center, they are not curing you of addiction. Instead, they give you the tools to manage it and set you on the right path. It is then ultimately up to you to use those tools on a regular basis to remain sober.

3. Getting sober and living sober are different

Getting sober is the first step to living sober. When you get sober, you’re stopping the use of alcohol. In addition, living sober means making significant changes to your lifestyle to promote alcohol recovery and personal growth.

4. Substitute addictions can be dangerous

Addiction treatment centers always recommend complete abstinence from all substances when in recovery. That’s because there’s always the danger of substituting alcohol with other substances or activities such as gambling, food, or shopping. Jumping from one addiction to another will leave you with the same problems, sorrows, and difficulties as the one you just left behind.

5. There is no one way of alcohol recovery

Once in alcohol recovery, you will discover many ways to help you stay sober. That’s because there is no one size fits all method or advice. Instead, you must use the tools you were given and find the thing that works best for you.

6. Be prepared to grieve

Alcohol recovery is wonderful, and you will feel that eventually. But you can’t make positive changes overnight and simply erase the time you spent abusing alcohol. Grieving the time lost in active addiction, along with all the injured relationships. mistakes, or damage created is a normal, necessary part of the process. It is something that everyone in recovery experiences to some degree, but it is not something that you will hold on to. In recovery, you feel the feelings, you repair damage when you can, and you move on to creating the life, and feeling the joy, that was meant for you.

7. Recovery requires actions rather than intentions

Positive thoughts are helpful but will only get you so far. Alcohol recovery requires actions like doing small daily things that improve your lifestyle and bring you closer to your goals.

8. Master one positive change at a time

The degree of change you need to do can be overwhelming at first. That’s why focusing on mastering one change at a time is more effective in making positive habits stick. A mountain isn’t moved all at once, but pebble by pebble. Your job in recovery will be to focus on the next step in front of you, not the entire road.

9.  Have friends that are people in and out of recovery

Making friends who are in recovery is important, but they might relapse. So be sure you also have stable friends outside of recovery who support your new lifestyle to create balance.

10. Gratitude is powerful

It can be one of the most powerful tools during your recovery. It can make you a more positive and resilient person and make you happier. When all else fails, an attitude of gratitude can save you. Many people actively foster this by expressing their gratitudes every day, either to a friend, in a prayer, or in a daily list.

11. Your health is important

Taking care of your health is essential because it will lower your chances of relapse. A healthy mind and body go a long way in alcohol recovery.

12. Be wary of your triggers

Triggers can vary among those in recovery. And while some are obvious, some are lesser-known and might catch you off guard. For instance, triggers run the gamut from having too much money in one’s pocket, to not getting enough rest, to running late for work because of poor time management. Triggers are as varied as the threads of a tapestry, so cultivate an awareness and stay mindful of your potential triggers.

13. Relapse does not equal failure

Relapse does happen, whether to you or someone you know. However, this does not mean you failed, even if it feels like it. Just be sure that you immediately get back on track with recovery. It is important to know that you will be welcomed back into your recovery support system. These are people who want what is best for you, they know how much courage and strength it takes to pick yourself back up and try again, and many of them have had the same experience.

Where To Find Alcohol Recovery in Kailua-Kona

Are you ready to leave behind a life of alcohol abuse? Then we can help you. If you’re looking for a place for alcohol recovery in Kailua-Kona, Honu House Hawaii warmly welcomes you. We provide a clean and peaceful environment where you can start your recovery and learn all the tools and techniques to guide you on your path to successful, sustainable recovery. So reach out to us today.

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